through all the revised history, the facts are the present day state
of Israel began officially on May 14th 1948. Most of the
land it has acquired, or more appropriately occupied has been through
war. In fact in the weeks and months prior to declaring itself the
state of Israel, they were already carrying out ethnic cleansing on a
large scale. Prior to and after the “Nakba”, which means
catastrophe in Arabic, up to 800,000 Arabs were displaced, or more
appropriately, ethnically cleansed from the land, and are still
barred from a “right to return” to their homes.
but the most ardent modern day Israel supporters have to admit that
Israel took the land and the houses of the Palestinian people by
force, although claiming self defense, that’s still a thin cover
for what actually happened, and indeed, to this day, this present
incarnation of a physical Israel will not give up the land they stole
during military operations.
the 66 years of inhabiting Palestine the modern day Israeli's have
acquired far more of Palestine than the original agreement's gave
them, through always maintaining a self defense posture, and having
the diplomatic cover of the United States of America. Here's a map
detailing the ever expanding borders of this state:
law states unequivocally that land conquered in a military action
whether of the attacker or the nation attacked, cannot be kept by the
victorious country. Thus, all further claims by the modern people
calling themselves Israel of self defense, are fraudulent. You cannot
defend land that was taken illegally from your enemy and claim you
are defending yourself from further attacks. Numerous United Nation
Resolutions condemning Israel for not relinquishing conquered land
have been ignored, again, with the help of the United States of
America, which being a permanent member of the Security Council can
and does block Israel from the consequences of defying international
you are a free thinking and rational person you would have to ask
yourself why does America do this? There are numerous reasons for
this, let's start with the beginning of the official U.S. of A.'s
actions concerning the modern political state of Israel. On May
14th, 1948 Harry Truman was the first leader of a country
to recognize Israel's proclamation that it was now a state. Most of
the people in Truman's administration were against recognizing
Israel, foreseeing clearly that this was going to begin, and actually
had already become a bad idea, guaranteeing trouble and bloodshed and
constant wars in the area, which was so vital to the world as an area
rich with oil that would become an increasingly important commodity
as the years went by.
Truman's recognition of the political state of Israel, will, if the
people of America are ever able to come out from under the yoke of
their oppressor's, be seen as the beginning of the downfall of the
United States. And one of the worst decisions ever made by an
American President. And supporting “Israel's” foreign policy
objectives have led to the economic collapse of America, fighting
wars that were “good” for Israel and made no sense for the U.S.,
have bankrupted the nation, along with George W. Bush's tax breaks
for the wealthiest.
the entire Truman cabinet opposed recognition:
"wise men" who were simultaneously creating the great
Truman foreign policy of the late 1940s -- among them (Secretary of
State George) Marshall, James V. Forrestal, George F. Kennan, Robert
Lovett, John J. McCloy, Paul Nitze and Dean Acheson. To overrule
State would mean Truman taking on Marshall, whom he regarded as "the
greatest living American," a daunting task for a very unpopular
their reasons for denying recognition have rung true even today:
to this day, many think that Marshall and Lovett were right on the
merits and that domestic politics was the real reason for Truman's
decision. Israel, they argue, has been nothing but trouble for the
United States.
a throwaway line from the author (Richard Holbrooke) of the article
linked above, who goes on to say Truman was right for reasons of
“morality” (a ridiculous and morally offensive reason given the
immoral activities of modern day Israel). But this author would say
that if you thought about the difficulties the U.S. has encountered
since then, and even more so now, the nearly permanent state of war
that has persisted since then, the ruination of the U.S. economy,
it's loss of stature and trust by the rest of the world, not just
Arab nations, but all who plainly see the U.S. is not leading, but
being led by the Israeli's, you really cannot deny that it was a
massive mistake.
Americans have been deceived into thinking it is God's will for the
“Jews” around the world to come back to the physical land of
Israel, and that this is the fulfillment of prophecy. I have
discussed these false beliefs in numerous past articles, please refer
to the blog site http://perverted-christianity.blogspot.com
for more in depth information. In this article I will simply say, it
is not God's intention to restore a physical land of Israel, or an
unbelieving people to it. In the Book of Hebrews it clearly states
that the city or home we seek is not of the earth but the Lord
Himself will bring it to us:
11:10 For he looked for a city which
hath foundations, whose builder and maker is
11:14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a
11:15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country
from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have
11:16 But now they desire a
better country, that
is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God:
for he hath prepared for them a city.
12:22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the
living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of
13:14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven
and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from
God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
21:3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the
tabernacle of God is with
men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and
God himself shall be with them, and be
their God.
enough isn't it? Don't be deceived. This is the Israel to come, you
won't find any direct promises like this concerning a physical
Israel, and it applies to all. Just as every one of us need Jesus
Christ to ever enter into the new Jerusalem to come.
how does a person get to thinking that God would want to set up a new
Israel by way of ethnic cleansing and genocide? Perhaps the answer
lies in the way the United States of America was founded? There was
a group of people here, had been for thousands of years, the Native
Americans, falsely called Indians, because of the mistaken belief of
the first Europeans that they were in India. The original inhabitants were
slowly wiped out, genocided, ethnically cleansed. The vast majority
of people in the U.S. thought it was God's will to do it, they called
it “Manifest Destiny”, a grand name for slaughtering the people
who lived on the land that they wanted. And the mostly eastern
Europeans who have settled in Palestine feel the same way about what
they call Israel. It's Aliyah, God wants them to slaughter all the
Palestinians and possess the land. The religious book of the apostate
“Jews”, the Talmud says if they don't live in Israel they have no
God, i.e. having missed their Messiah, they have made the land their
God, and will do anything to get it and keep it. There is no Biblical
compulsion to war for land in the New Covenant, but it isn't the
first time a country was founded that way.